Having my Fractal Soul Portrait created by Peter gave me a new level of confidence about my purpose on earth and specifically how the business I had created was a beautiful outlet to achieve that purpose. Every day I walk into my office and see that reminder of what MY soul is wanting to experience. I feel empowered and comforted knowing it’s all being created “for” me! I was so determined to have this image ground me every day, I painted my office to match its Rich colors of love and prosperity.  Tasha Chen

All I can say is WOW!! Peter Berry I am in love with my Fractal Soul Portrait. Peter created a work of art that is 100% me and which represents my soul. If you are looking for something truly unique, you can get your own.

Vicki Ibaugh


Your Soul Portrait is a fractal image that is unique to YOU. It is created by fractal artist Peter Berry using your astrological information and a proprietary process Peter has developed.  Utilizing this process and his Fine Art background as a painter of systems and a colorist, Peter will create a super-high resolution fractal image that is your Soul Portrait. This image will then be printed as a high quality, spectacular, and durable 20 by 30 inch print on metal, ready to hang, then shipped directly to you!

Because fractals are the math that describes the underlying structure of the universe, the fractal Peter creates for you will not be able to be duplicated by anyone - it is your image alone! 

When you click the button above, use the Promo Code FSPNOW in the cart to save BUNCHES! (enter the code to find out how much)

I look forward to creating your unique Fractal Soul Portrait just for you!

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out:

by phone at 850-661-9371

or email at [email protected]

All the best!
